Kuenz wykorzystuje dane do zwiększania efektywności sprzętu

The Kuenz Information System (KIS) is an Internet of Things (IoT) solution which aims to improve customer Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and internal databases.

Speaking to PTI Dietmar Nußbaumer, Head of Technical Sales, Kuenz, talks about how the company sought to us the KIS to develop an even more customer-oriented product.

Officially launched in 2018, what were the key drivers for the launch of such a solution?

The goal was to build an IIoT platform to collect, aggregate and analyse data from cranes around the world in real time. This was intended to close the “data gap” between the crane operators and the relevant departments at Kuenz. On the one hand, we wanted to optimise after-sales service and increase customer benefits through maximum availability, transparency and productivity.

On the other hand, it was about making the data usable for our engineers. We want to understand how our products are operated by customers in order to be able to offer the maximum customer benefit.

To increase the OEE of the customer’s systems the platform provides customers with the data they need to calculate performance metrics. By simply adjusting shift schedules, the crane operator was able to noticeably increase the productivity of its terminal.

The solution also speeds up commissioning considerably. The correct setup of the machines can largely be monitored remotely via the Senseforce data apps. The data from the platform also intended to increase the quality management. Today, Kuenz recognises very quickly when components wear out prematurely or are more likely to trigger faults.

Source: Port Technology International


Kuenz wykorzystuje dane do zwiększania efektywności sprzętu

Interview with Dietmar Nussbaumer, Head of Technical Sales, Kuenz